Sunday, 4 March 2012

Selling in a buyer’s market

There are four skills you must master to sell to today’s consumers

Selling in a buyer’s market
CONSUMERS have changed. The change started 12 years ago and has accelerated over the past six. Anyone who does not realise that has either been away from the Internet for a long time or is in denial.
It is a buyer’s market and it is likely to stay that way because the amount of information and connectivity available to consumers will only increase.
Selling to this type of consumers is different. It is not necessarily more difficult — unless you try to sell to them using the old process, which assumed that the buying cycle and selling cycle were in sync.
Nowadays, the buying cycle starts a long time before the sales staff know there is a cycle.
To sell effectively in this “age of the buyer”, four skills must be mastered:
1. Create a great trust impression
While trustworthiness has always been an important factor in the buying choice, factors that emerged during the global financial crisis made it front of mind.
Pictures of Bernard Madoff being taken off to prison have made trust a key issue for consumers. Yet, consumers have shown that they want to trust — even complete strangers.
Think of eBay, which is an entire model based on sending your money in advance to buy from complete strangers based on references of...complete strangers. Yet it works — to the tune of over $8 billion in 2009.
You need to be able to create a great impression of trustworthiness — which is different to actual trustworthiness.
Some people are very trustworthy, but they create a poor first impression. The trouble is, they often do not get a second chance.
Often nowadays, your first impression is not made by your business attire, smile or handshake, but by your social-networking presence.
This can be either a good or a bad thing depending on what people see.
If they see nothing, you will appear out of touch; if they see albums of you leering drunkenly at a camera, it may compromise your professional image.
Here are two hints for creating trust quickly:
* Firstly, people trust those whom they have the most connections with. Try to find out how many points of connection you can identify in the first meeting.
If you can leave the impression with them that they have more connections with you than your competitors — all other factors being equal — you will get the sale.
This is where your social networking can be an advantage. Even before you meet, check out your prospects on LinkedIn or Facebook to see if you share any connections.
* Secondly, build trust by demonstrating it. Find non-threatening ways to show your customers or potential customers that you trust them — and they will be inclined to trust you.
2. Put yourself in a position of influence
In business, you are either in a position of influence or inferiority.
The buyer–dominant process — where the customer is able to progress through all the steps without a salesman, only involving him at the last step to haggle on price — certainly puts sales staff in a position of inferiority.
To be seen differently by consumers, you need to provide information or understanding beyond what they can access on a Google search. You need to be seen, not just as a product expert, but also as an industry expert.
3. Create leverage
Always be on the lookout for opportunities to create leverage. Here are two suggestions:
* Find ways to make customers look good. Be their “inside contact” who sends them information before they can get it elsewhere.
* Help them by understanding their systems (both formal and informal) enough to make sure that your proposal is the best fit with their systems. This might involve giving your clients the tools they need to convince other people who influence this decision (some of whom you may never meet).
4. Trigger the buying decision
This is no longer about “selling” or “closing”. Clients do not want to be sold to — they want to buy with confidence. It is not the “close” of the relationship — it is a sign that everything is going well.
Where you can help your clients is in recognising that they are in a state of information overload and facilitating them through it.
Sales staff who can recognise what a client needs to make a confident decision will probably get the sale.
With the ability to take a customer through these steps, sales staff can be confident that they are adding value to the sales process and truly satisfying the post-Internet consumer.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

How to Use Facebook for Business

Learn how to start using Facebook in 2011 to achieve your business goals!
Facebook is the most popular social network, and with over 750 million users, it can serve as an important marketing tool for any business. Let's face it: your prospects are on Facebook whether you like it or not.

A successfully maintained Facebook presence can help your business:

• Get found by potential customers
• Connect and engage with current customers
• Create a community around your brand
• Promote and expand the reach of your content
• Generate leads!

"How to Use Facebook for Business" eBook is an introductory guide to help you get started using Facebook for business. You'll learn how to:

• Sign up for Facebook and set up a personal Profile, a business Page, and Groups
• Optimize your Facebook presence for maximum results
• Promote your business Page and attract fans
• Engage with your network
• Generate leads
• Take advantage of Facebook's advertising platform
• Measure and analyze your Facebook presence 

Thursday, 13 October 2011

How To Track & Improve The Quality Of Your Visitors

 Over the past five months since my website has started, I’ve seen my views go up and down so much that it’s hard to predict, and I became way too focused on the amount of views I was getting. It would get to a point where I wouldn’t want to look at the Analytics because I was worried my website hadn’t done well enough recently, and I didn’t want to see it, which you can liken to ignoring a lump and hoping it would go away. Recently though, I’ve become less focused on the number of visitors and more interested in the quality.

I take steps everyday to make sure that my quality of reader is improving, whether it means installing a new plugin to help direct traffic to certain places, or posting photos or polls on Facebook, encouraging visitors to get more involved. Through the past few month, I’ve started to see my different techniques take effect as my quality of visitor has gone up.

How to Track the Quality of Reader

I like to look at my website in periods of a month and see how my progress has improved, and there’s four different factors that I look at – Pages/Visit, Time on Site, Bounce Rate and Percentage of Returning Visitors. Looking at the amount of pageviews, unique visits, and visits per day is nice, but they don’t tell you much about the type of person viewing your blog. There are days when I reach a huge spike in traffic and make noticeably more money, but I always prefer quality over quantity as that’s my target market.

How Has The Quality Improved

Pages Per Visit

The first factor we’re going to look at is the amount of pages per visit that the average reader looks at. This is one of the best indications of the quality of visitor you have because the more a person views, the better they are. My website officially launched at the end of April, but I’m starting with the month of May just to make it tidier. You’ll see in the graph below that I track the progress for 5 months, all the way up until the end of September.

This graph above is a good indication of what my visitors are doing and it’s good to see that for the most part, the pages per visit has improved. With any luck, I should be right on target to get two page views for every visitor each month, or so it may seem at least. The truth of the matter is that there’s going to be a lot of people who only view one page when they visit, and then there’s also a strong group of visitors who look at over ten. One of the many great things about Google Analytics is that they tell you exactly how many pages were visited by each visitor, in the visitor loyalty section.

I’ve had to separate my results below into two different graphs because the amount of people that only visited one page in their visit is actually six times as many people as visited twice. You’ll notice that all of these months have the majority of the visits only viewing one page, which is usually the page that they’re linked to.

The details are above are nice to know because they provide me with information that counts towards my views and tells me the amount of poor quality visitors, but I’m really only interested in the high quality visitors and for this, I need to see who’s clicking on more than one page. Below is a graph of all the people that view more than one page in a visit, spread across the five months I’m comparing here. All of the months are pretty similar at first glance and the results are pretty much how you would expect, that is, until you look at the last category of 20 or more visits.

The spike in the 20+pageviews section can easily be considered to be my regular following so it gives you a good idea of how well you’re doing. It’s best to look at this online and simply change the month that you want to compare as it’s easier to read, but I can tell you that June, which had basically the same number of views as September had a third less people over viewing over 20 pages each month, which shows me that my following is growing and the quality of visitor is going up.

Average Time on Site

When you look at your dashboard, you’re told the average time spent on site for each time period that you have selected, and for the past five months, mine looks like this. This is a good indication of how well your site is doing, but if you want to know the finer details, you have to look further by looking at the length of visit section under visitor loyalty in Google Analytics.

 When you have a look at the average length of visit on the site, you’ll see that not only do most people only view one page, the majority of them only stay for 10 seconds or less. This isn’t what you want, but it’s ultimately hard to avoid, although there are steps that you can take to reduce this percentage, but we’ll get to that further down this post. Lets have a look at how long my visitors stay for, divided up into groups of time as percentages for each month. You’ll notice that the majoirty of visitors only stay for 10 seconds or less, but that’s not really a problem.

From looking at the graph, you’ll see that when you compare September to May, you’ll see that there is a lot more more people who are staying for 61 seconds and longer and less people staying for a minute or less. The aim is to get the all the time under a minute, specifically less than 10 seconds, to be as small as possible. The progress I’m making so far is pretty strong, but the main difference between September and July is the lack of spikes in traffic produced by top lists. Not having these spikes in traffic haven’t been entirely bad because I can see clearly that the quality of visitor that’s now following me has improved greatly.

Bounce Rate

The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who view one page and then leave straight after without browsing the site anymore, so you want this to be as low as possible. As you can see, this is a little bit harder to control and large spikes in traffic, or traffic from certain sources causes this rate to go up quite substantially. If you compare May when my website was first starting out, with September where I’ve built a strong following (now 1100 fans on Facebook), you’ll see that people take my site more seriously because of the amount of content that they can find on there and because of certain visual improvements I’ve made.

Returning Visitors

The improvement in bounce rate has a lot to do with whether the visitor has been on your site before, because if they have then they’re more likely to stay for longer as they’re familiar with what you have to offer. To do this, you need to look at the percentage of new visitors page in GA. It’s common to think that if the percentage is low then you’re not reaching a new, wider audience, which is true to some extent, but that’s not what is important to start with. You’re better off writing great content while you find your way through Google and then as your website grows you’ll become more popular. It takes a while to build a good website, so give it time.

 My favorite stat to look at when trying to gauge the quality of visitor that my site is receiving, is the visitor loyalty stat. It will tell not only how many people have visited before, but how many people have visited your site in a certain time period, from one single view to over 200 views. When you take some time and put these into a graph like I have, then it becomes really easy to compare. Have a look at my graph below.

This shows the amount of people each month who are visiting my website multiple times and if you compare May on the right with September on the left, you’ll see that the amount of people who only visit my site once in a month has gone down from around 82% to 58%. This is one of the best improvements to track as it tracks visits and not pages per visits, so it’s easy to see if your following is improving. You’ll notice that the biggest improvements are in the 9+ visits a month section, where I’m starting to see a steady following.

How to Improve Your Visitor Quality

This is actually easier than you may think, and if you’ve managed to read through the material above, then you’ve probably got a few ideas of your own by now. We’re going to look at each factor in order and see what steps you can take to improving it.

Firstly, we can try and improve pageviews, and this is surprisingly easy to improve, it just takes a little time before it starts to take effect. I’ve managed to improve mine quite substantially by the installation of a single plugin which does most of the work for me – SEO Smart Links. I’ve mentioned it multiple times on this site before, but it’s always worth mentioning again because it’s a really powerful tool. It will take all of the keywords that you input and assign them to links that you also input so that every time one of these keyword terms pops up in the text, it becomes a link and starts to send people to different pages on your site. I have my plugin set up so that it will link a maximum of three times for each keyword so by the end of the post, with about 80 keywords listed, I can have a huge amount of links sharing other pages on my site with people. This has proven to work as the more links I input, the higher my pages per visit seems to become.

Time on site is slightly more difficult as there’s a lot more factors to it, but of course the SEO plugin does help. One of the biggest changes that I’ve made which I think has improved time on site, is my writing. As I’ve written more, my style has improved, along with my grammar and structuring. I looked back recently on a post that didn’t make it to publish, although I was considering using it, and in my opinion it was unusable. I was clearly struggling with what to write and the content and length was suffering. It was a typical ‘Top 10 Reasons…” style post (which are usually a little shorter), but had just 566 words, and when you compare that to one I wrote the other day at 1634 words, there’s a big difference. I don’t do anything to bulk out the text at all anymore like I may have done in school tests when you didn’t know the answer – I just included everything that it required. The more recent posts can be done a lot quicker now as I know a lot more about what I’m writing about.

Bounce rate is pretty hard to control because the majority of the percentage comes from those who are only on the site for 10 seconds or less, and there’s not much you can do for them. When you do get to people who get to the end of a post but don’t browse any other pages, you need to add a reason for them to want more. At the end of every post I’ve included a related post section to give a more visual example of what else I have to offer. This encourages them to explore more site for longer and click on more than one page.

Written by Josh Dunlop 

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

How To Convert Traffic Into Sales

Learn how to convert website traffic into sales!

It is time to tap into the power of the internet.

When you change your business model from one-to-one to one-to-many business, you will realize that you can easily earn more while working less.


Thursday, 6 October 2011

The Inbound Marketing Trade Show Planning Guide

Trade shows are one of the most expensive, resource-intensive initiatives in any marketer’s budget. And with your competitors just down the aisle, you need to make sure you drive traffic to your booth and capture as many top-quality leads as you can.

In the eBook “The Inbound Marketing Trade Show Planning Guide” you’ll read about how to make the best use of inbound marketing and social media to ensure buzz leading up to the event and maximize traffic to your booth.

Find out:

    * How to pick the right social media tools for the job
    * How to track the ROI for each tradeshow
    * What to do before a show (including an inbound marketing editorial calendar)
    * How to set goals for your tradeshow
    * What works best during a show to attract traffic
    * Proven follow-up tips after the show

Make sure your company maximizes ROI at its next tradeshow. 

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Happy Pocket of Money

A Happy Pocket Full of Money

the most powerful that exists on the
subject of “Wealth Consciousness” and the Law of Attraction. If you truly desire to realize wealth in your life,
you have everything you need and more, in the “Wealth Beyond Reason” workshop.
This book is just part of the complete package which consists of:
! “Wealth Beyond Reason” by Bob Doyle
! "A Happy Pocket Full of Money" by David Cameron
! "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles
! "Spiritual Marketing" by Joe Vitale
! “Wealth Consciousness” by Roger Lanphear
! "The Everyday 12-Point Lifesaver" by David Cameron
! “Raising Humans” by David Cameron
! “Introduction to Wealth Consciousness” audio seminar by Bob Doyle
! The “Wealth Consciousness Meditation” by Boundless Living Audio
…and a whole library of audio seminars and interviews! Not to mention our personal follow-up
system that assures you “stay in the conversation” long enough to realize results for yourself!

Your Quantum Leap into the Understanding, Having and Enjoying of
Immense Wealth and Happiness
Your personal guide to Wealth Consciousness. Experience infinite wealth,
abundance and happiness Here, Now, in the new Golden Age of humanity.
Everything you need to be extremely wealthy and happy is inside of you, and
nothing outside of you can stop you.
By David Cameron

Redeeming Money

Redeeming Money
by Stephen C. Clark
Where does money come from? Where does it get all its power? How can this power be harnessed and directed to the benefit of mankind. These and many other questions are tackled by Professor of Cosmonomics Stephen C. Clark and educational leader John D. Puglisi, Ph.D. History, economics, politics, philosophy, spirituality all go into the mix. An interesting tale about one of the most important influences in your life, money.